Saturday, February 27, 2010

DI and UDL Reflection

As a result of this course, I have found that integrating technology to differentiate instruction is really not as difficult as one may have thought. There are so many resources available through the internet that differentiation usually happens naturally. The resources my classmates and I have found provide numerous opportunities for me to help all of my students understand a concept. These resources will also help me determine how my students learn best, their likes and their dislikes. Integrating the resources into my instruction will allow my students to have choices and guide their own learning.

The adjustments I have made to my instructional practice regarding the use of technology include using my Smart board. Smart has incorporated Smart Response Controllers that allow students to use the controllers to answer questions and the teacher gets immediate results. This allows me to move more quickly or slow down and re-teach a concept. I also use on-line surveys at the beginning of each year to determine how my students learn best. Another adjustment I have made is allowing my students to have a choice in how they learn. Some like guided notes, some like writing the notes out in their notebooks, others like just listening to me explain how to work out a problem.