Thursday, November 12, 2009


My GAME plan

G: The two areas of the NETS-T that I need to work on are “Designing and Developing Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments” and “Modeling Digital-Age Work and Learning.” Since everything is moving towards data collection to drive instruction, designing digital experiences and assessments is a must. SMART Technologies is making this very easy with the use of their SMART Response system. These tools will help to meet the indicators that incorporates digital tools and resources to promote student learning and creativity and provide students with multiple and varied assessments that combine technology standards. Using the SMART Response system will also help me work on modeling the work and learning for my students. More specifically they will help me communicate relevant information to my students, parents and peers.

A: What I am doing to achieve these goals is trying to use the SMART Response system as much as I can for quizzes and tests. Doing this is not only a different way for my students to take a test, but it will give me immediate feedback and results before my students even leave my classroom.

M: Monitoring will be a little more difficult because of time mostly. I really will not know how well using the SMART Response system will be until I can compare the results to my students next year. The data I collect will help me teach differently on a day to day basis because I will be able to see immediately if I need to spend more time on something, but the true data will come from the comparison from one class to the other.

E: Looking at the difference between classes is one way I will be able to evaluate the use of the SMART Response system. I will also be able to see if my students are really grasping a concept or just guessing on what they think the correct answer is.

National Education Standards for Teachers (NETS-T) located at


  1. I like your plan to keep on top of the technology while promoting it to your students. Using the SMART response system will help you dramatically it sounds since feedback is instant. Organizing the data will allow you to see for future reference how things went and what needs to be changed. Class comparison is needed since some classes may be smarter than others. What matters most is that the students will have a good understanding of the material when it is taught to them in a coherent manner. From here they can be assessed and planning for next year can begin.

  2. Tiffany,

    I just received a set of the SMART clickers this year too. What a wonderful technology tool! I am not sure what grade level you teach, but I teach high school and I have 2 different blocks of the same class. If that would be your scenario as well, you could use results from your two classes this year to compare. It will at least give you something to compare.

    I am not sure about your students but my students are already coming into the classroom asking if they get to use the 'clickers' today. They actually want to use them which I think is great! Another thing I like to students can not actually see who chooses what answer but we the teacher can.

    Your GAME plan sounds like a great idea. Good Luck with implementing it. I will be anxious to hear the results you do find.

  3. Phil and Emily,

    I can't wait to use this technology. The feedback will really help me to drive my instruction and I will know for sure if I should move on to the next concept. If I ever get the software downloaded on my computer I will let you know how it goes.


  4. Our school has two sets of CPS clickers. However, there are two teachers who always have them. I have borrowed the set long enough to look at it, but have not implemented it in the classroom. I do know that, for those two teachers, the students absolutely love using the clickers and they all seem to be engaged.

  5. I love that you are using the SMART response systems in your classroom. At this point in time our building only has access to two student response systems so they are extremely difficult to schedule for use in the classroom and for students to get used so using them. I like that they provide both the teacher and the students with immediate feedback. For those students that need immediate feedback, this tool is amazing.
